Ana SayfaDuyurular & EtkinliklerPsychedelic Art Gallery: Hello again to art lovers!

Psychedelic Art Gallery: Hello again to art lovers!


Hello again to art lovers! Psychedelic Art Gallery family is gathering again and welcoming spring with a new event.

Apart from the events held in abroad and in Turkey especially in İzmir and İstanbul, Psychedelic Art Gallery, after bringing together the artworks of many artists with the participants in Neon Festival, organised a 5 day long festival where the large spectrum of different branches of psychedelic art took place in July 2016. During the festival held in İzmir/Pamucak, the participants were able to visit the exhibition and also they became a part of this harmony blessed with music lasting all day long and diverse workshops.

Proceeding their actions intensely, Art Gallery Family continues to make exhibitions with the participation of many national and foreign artists, music and dj performances, various works like yoga, meditation and workshops of juggling without a slowing down.

With the new event that will be held in İstanbul/Roxy on 31st march and 1st april, the participants will get to listen to live acts from Cezzers and Symbolico and also other dj performances. In addition to this, they will be visiting the exhibition with the attendance of Hakan Hisim, Esat Cavit Başak, Luminokoya, Jeff D. Zing and so many other artists.

With the aim of bringing together different colours of this culture, Psychedelic Art Gallery Family is making a new call to meet up in this intersection of psychedelic art branches on 31st march and 1st april!

For further information, you can follow from the event page on facebook.

Love and light!


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