Ana SayfaKültür & SanatDans & PerformansDance in Berlin in a nutshell; Corpus Nil: Eingeweide

Dance in Berlin in a nutshell; Corpus Nil: Eingeweide


Black light, a covered something down on the ground hanging from a crane arm. This something is moving under cover. Until it comes out, 1/3 of whole period. 2/3 part, dim light image; a robot looking at audience, looking, moving up and down with its arm. 3/3, a robot arm on the back of the performer. He is bend-over on the ground. Robot is continuously touching him, like a whipping move. He is coming closer to audience. So slow. We even did not get when he came all close. Mainly, moving arms and down and a generous move show head, neck and shoulders.


Is this a kind of butoh or improvisation performance? Who is moving under the cover? If this is a performance with AI, is it a robot? Are the moves connected with blue light? Who is controlling? Is it independent? Is this a whole robot performance or is there a human body out there? Is an arm robot or no? Do we need robots for performances? Is it an object or a partner? Is it controlling him or does he have any effect on its moves? What is the relationship between them? Is it a he or she? Does this matter?

Valuable contribution to development of integration AI into performance world. Keep digging. Keep searching. Keep moving.

Corpus Nil: Eingeweide by Marco Donnarumma, CTM 2018 Turmoil Festival, February 2018, HAU Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin, Germany


Concept, music, programming, robotics, light, performance: Marco Donnarumma
Stage and choreography: Marco Donnarumma, Margherita Pevere
Robotics visual design and costume: Ana Rajcevic
Robotics 3D modelling and engineering: Christian Schmidt
Artistic consultancy: Margherita Pevere
Live audio mastering: Dadub Studio
Additional programming: Alberto de Campo
Scientific partner: Neurorobotics Research Laboratory, Beuth Hochschule
Light technology: Protopixel

*This writing series is a collection of Müge Olacak during her research in Berlin, 2018.

Cover photo from Marco Donnarumma web site.


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Müge Olacak
Müge Olacak
Atelier Muse Kurucu Direktörü, performans sanatçısı, araştırmacı ve yazar Müge Olacak, İstanbul ve Berlin'de yaşamaktadır. 2008 yılında Boğaziçi Üniversitesi İşletme Bölümü’nden mezun olmuş ve çeşitli çokuluslu şirketlerde pazarlama deneyimi edinmiştir. 2015-16’da, Türkiye’de başladığı çağdaş dans ve koreografi eğitimine Polonya’da devam etmiştir. 2011’den bu yana çağdaş dans, performans, disiplinlerarası üretimler ve gösterimler gerçekleştirmekte olup özellikle kadın, tabular, ifade özgürlüğü konuları, kişisel ve sosyal ilişkilere odaklı çalışmaktadır. SzurSure (Polonya) performans grubunun kurucularındandır. Yönettiği ve ürettiği çalışmalar ile HAU Hebbel am Ufer Berlin & ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen), Hrant Dink Vakfı, Nantes Yaratıcı Nesiller Forumu ve işbirliği programlarından burs ve ödüller kazanmıştır.


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