Ana SayfaYaşamFeminizmDo not normalize the dating violence, raise your voice!

Do not normalize the dating violence, raise your voice!


Who are we?

We are 7 young people, each from a different city, who respect differences, and believe in life-long learning, and embrace the idea “all of us together”.

We have been involved in a project called “Youth Exchange” which is one of the ERASMUS + youth programs which is the European Union’s grant program for education, youth and sports, through the “Community Volunteers Foundation(TOG)” for the Youth Exchange program and its theme is “Gender”.

The program took place in a small town named Elva, the second largest city in Estonia, Tartu.

32 young people with an age range of 18-30 have come from 5 different countries for the same purpose and we have talked about the problems, injustices, how the events are reflected to the media in our country and try to find suggestions for solutions with all our sincerity . As participants from Armenia, Estonia, France, Greece and Turkey, we decided to make a study on “Gender” that we have been discussing for 2 weeks and share it through social media. They left the stage for us to choose the topic. As young people from so many countries where we have so many problems, we are not sure which one to choose. Indicated a little deeper, we decided to address “Dating Violence” which is also included in the study of TOG’s Young Women’s Fund, which is our sending organization. We also involved in the videos about the dating violence.

-Selin Gürlemez
-Musa Arslan
-Öznur Aldemir
-Roza Hacer Yigit
-Hande Sena Ün
-Nazlınur Karaağaçlı
-Nisanur El

You ask why?

Dating Violence is a form of violence caused by gender power inequality. Any behavior involving threat, restriction or pressure is defined as dating violence.

In the presence of dating violence, gender roles have its share. These; physical abuse, psychological abuse, sexual abuse, social abuse, insistent follow-up/ stalking, and digital abuse.

It is unwise to say that violence is regarded as normal behavior in the society and in the associations that are the greatest effect.

“Everything happens in every relationship”, “He/She does it because he/she loves me”, “I have done this, I may have deserved”

Do not doubt yourself! Do not forget, there is no rightful violence! You may be afraid of being alone. You may have forgiven him/her before you tried to leave. You may be trying to be someone like he/she wants. You may be hoping you can have a very good relationship with him/her in the future. In this case, you are in a violence cycle. You should know the cycle of violence.

We wanted to offer a solution in our work. What is the solution to the dating violence?

You can ask for help from a grown-up you think you will not judge if you are close. Sharing and talking about what you have lived strengthens you. If you think you are being exposed to dating violence, remember; You do not have to endure violence. You can fight with violence.

Police 155 / Jandarma 156
Alo 183 Women, Child, Family Counseling Hotline
Violence Prevention and Monitoring Center (CHAIRMAN) Istanbul- 02124652196-97
Women Organizations
Independent or municipal women’s shelters


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